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Baby Names Suggestion and Meanings

Baby girl names starting with letter S

Name Length Meaning
Saadhanaa 9 fulfilment
Saadhanaa 9 accomplishment
Saadhikaa 9 a skilful or accomplished woman
Saakambharee 12 herbbearing
Saarasee 8 belonging to a lake (the swan)
Saarikaa 8 a bird
Saarikaa 8 a kind of bird
Saavitreei 10 a ray of light
Sabita 6 decorated
Sachetanaa 10 sentiment
Sachi 5 wife of lord indira
Sadaf 5 pearl
Sadgati 7 liberation
Sadguna 7 good virtues
Sadhan 6 fulfilment
Sadhana 7 worship
Sadhika 7 achiever
Sadhvi 6 virtuous woman
Sadhvi 6 chaste woman
Sadiqua 7 kindly
Saeeda 6 priestly
Safia 5 chase
Sagarika 8 wave; born in the ocean
Saguna 6 possessed of good qualities
Sagunaa 7 possessed of virtuous qualities
Sagunaa 7 virtuous
Sahana 6 a raga
Saheli 6 friend
Sahiba 6 the lady
Sahila 6 guide
Sai 3 a flower
Sajala 6 clouds
Sajili 6 decorated
Sajnee 6 virtuous
Sajni 5 beloved
Sakhi 5 friend
Sakhi 5 friend
Sakina 6 friend
Sakulaa 7 belonging to a noble family
Salena 6 the moon
Salila 6 water
Salima 6 happy; peaceful
Salma 5 peace
Salonee 7 beautiful
Sama 4 one who is always same
Samaapati 9 the end
Samarpanaa 10 handing over, dedicating
Samata 6 equality
Samataa 7 similarity
Samayaa 7 in due time
Sambhaavanaa 12 fancy, doubt
Sambhooti 9 knowledge; birth, origin; union
Sameena 7 happy
Samhita 7 vedic composition
Samidha 7 an offering for a sacred fire
Samikssha 9 overview
Samiraa 7 wind
Samit 5 collected
Samita 6 collected
Samitaa 7 wheat flour
Samiti 6 meeting, union
Sammohanaa 10 fascinating
Sampaa 6 lightning
Sampada 7 wealthy
Sampatti 8 wealth
Sampreeti 9 acquisition
Sampuranaa 10 total, complete
Sampurnaa 9 whole, entire
Samriddhi 9 prosperity
Samsmriti 9 remembrance
Samudraa 8 ocean
Samvedanaa 10 knowledge
Samvidaa 8 an agreement
Samvidhaa 9 preparation
Samyaati 8 to accompany
Samyogitaa 10 united
Samyuktaa 9 joined
Sana 4 praise, prayer
Sanaapini 9 speaker
Sananda 7 happy
Sanchaarini 11 one who roams
Sanchali 8 movement
Sanchaya 8 collection
Sanchita 8 collection
Sanchitaa 9 one who collect
Sandhya 7 evening
Sandhyaa 8 twilight
Sangaanikaa 11 an excellent, incomparable discourse
Sangatikaa 10 term used in in music
Sangeeitaa 10 one who knows to sing; music
Sangeeta 8 one who sings and knows music very well
Sangeeti 8 harmony
Sanginee 8 companion
Sangita 7 musical
Sanidha 7 firewood
Saniya 6 moment
Sanjana 7 gentle
Sanjivani 9 immortality
Sanjukta 8 wife of king prithviraj
Sanjula 7 beautiful
Sanjushree 10 beautiful
Sankalanaa 10 the act of heaping together
Sankataharanaa 14 a goddess who destroys all difficulties and obstacles
Sankirtanaa 11 glorification
Sankul 6 full of
Sannidhi 8 nearness
Sanskriti 9 culture
Sanstuti 8 praise, eulogy
Santawana 9 consolation
Santayani 9 of the evening
Santvanaa 9 conciliation
Sanvali 7 dusky
Sanwari 7 dusky
Sanyukta 8 joined; united
Sapanaa 7 dream ( swapna in sanskrit)
Saparna 7 leafy
Saphalaa 8 fruitful
Saraasi 7 lake
Sarada 6 goddess saraswati
Sarakshi 8 good sight
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