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Baby Names Suggestion and Meanings

Baby girl names starting with letter A

Name Length Meaning
Amisshaa, Amishi 17 Truthful
Amita 5 without limit
Amiti 5 boundless
Amodini 7 joyful
Amrapali 8 famous courtesan who became a devotee of buddha
Amritaa 7 immortal
Amritkala 9 nectarine art
Amrusha 7 sudden
Amrushaa 8 absolute truth
Amshumaalaa 11 garland of rays
Amshumati 9 a radiant woman
Amteshwara 10 eternal god
Anagha 6 sinless
Anaghaa 7 Without sin
Anahita 7 graceful
Anala 5 fiery
Analaa 6 goddess of fire
Anamika 7 ring-finger
Anandamayi 10 full of joy
Anandi 6 jovial
Anandini 8 joyful
Anangalekhaa 12 love letter
Anangamaalini 13 garland of kama
Anantaa 7 eternal
Anantaadevee 12 eternal goddess
Ananya 6 withoout a second
Ananyaa 7 the only one
Anasuya, Anasooya 19 wife of rishi atri
Anasuyaa 8 one without malice
Anchal 6 the decorative end of a sari
Angalekhaa 10 lekhaa line
Angana 6 an auspicious or handsome woman
Anganaa 7 beautiful woman with well rounded limbs
Angarika 8 a flame-coloured flower(palash or flame of the forest)
Angavallee 10 a creeper
Animaa 6 the power of becoming minute
Anindita 8 beautiful
Anisha 6 one in whose life there is no darkness
Anisha 6 Unobstructed
Anissha 7 uninterrupted
Anita 5 grace
Anjali 6 offering with both hands
Anjali 6 homage
Anjana 6 mother of hanuman
Anjanee 7 one who adorns herselfwith ointments and sandalwood paste
Anjasee 7 Honest; deceitless
Anju 4 one who lives in the heart
Anjushree 9 married woman who adorns herself
Anjushri, Anjushree 20 dear to one's heart
Annandaa 8 goddess of food
Annapurna 9 goddess parvati; generous with food
Annapurnaa 10 goddess of food
Anshula 7 sunny
Antara 6 the second note in hindustani classical music
Antaraa 7 in the middle
Antasheelaa 11 a virtuous woman
Anu 3 Grace; favour
Anubhuti 8 experience
Anuja 5 younger sister
Anujaa 6 Born later; little brother, sister
Anujnaa 7 permission
Anulaa 6 brought up together
Anulekhaa 9 born later
Anuli 5 homage
Anulomaa 8 one who marries a man of a cast higher than herself
Anumati 7 permission
Anumati 7 consent
Anupaa 6 unparalleled, or uncomparable
Anupama 7 without equal
Anupriyaa 9 uncomparable
Anuraadhaa 10 one who is pleased to worship
Anuradha 8 name of a star
Anurati 7 full of affection
Anusheelaa 10 devoted servant
Anuttamaa 9 Unexcelled
Anuttaraa 9 one who is unanswered
Anuva 5 knowledge
Anuvaa 6 to blow
Anuvidyaa 9 to gain through knowledge
Anuyaa 6 woman who follows
Anviksha 8 see, gaze
Anvitaa 7 one who bridges the gap
Anwesha 7 quest
Apala 5 name of a learned woman of the past
Aparajita 9 undefeated, name of a flower
Aparajitaa 10 Itself
Aparna 6 goddess parvati
Aparnaa 7 leafless
Aparupaa 8 very beautiful
Apekshaa 8 expectation
Apoorvee 8 supreme soul
Apsara 6 celestial maiden
Araamati 8 a personified vedic goddess of piety
Aradhana 8 worship
Arajaa 6 clean
Aranyanee 9 vedic goddess vegetation, wood sprite
Arati, Aarti 13 worship with lamps
Aravindaa 9 lotus
Arcchishaa 10 light; flame
Archa 5 worship
Archana 7 worship
Archanaa 8 one who adores
Archee 6 ray; flame
Archish 7 Beam of light; flame; enlightning
Archishaa 9 a ray of light
Architaa 8 Prayer
Arjikaa 7 one who seeks mercy
Arpana 6 surrendered
Arpanaa 7 offering
Arpita 6 dedicated
Arpitaa 7 one who has given away
Arshita 7 heavenly
Arunaa 6 dawn
Arundhati 9 morning star
Arundhati 9 a star
Aruni 5 ruddy complexioned
Aruni 5 dawn
Arunima 7 glow of dawn
Arunimaa 8 reddishness
Asavari 7 name of a raga or melody
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