Baby Names by Sign
NAME | Length | Gender | Meaning |
Vikraanti | 9 | Girl | powerful |
Vikram | 6 | Boy | bravery |
Vikrama | 7 | Boy | the sun of valour |
Vikrama | 7 | Boy | one who can overcome all |
Vikramaarka | 11 | Boy | the sun of valour |
Vikramaditya | 12 | Boy | a famous king |
Vikramajit | 10 | Boy | a famous king |
Vikramee | 8 | Boy | victor, great adventurer |
Vikramendra | 11 | Boy | king of prowess |
Vikramonnata | 12 | Boy | mightest of all |
Vikranta | 8 | Boy | powerful |
Vikranta | 8 | Boy | brave |
Vikruta | 7 | Boy | one who performs special acts |
Vikshara | 8 | Boy | devoid of annihilation |
Vilaasa | 7 | Boy | graceful movement of play |
Vilaasavatee | 12 | Girl | amorous |
Vilaasini | 9 | Girl | graceful movement of play |
Vilas | 5 | Boy | play |
Vilasini | 8 | Girl | playful |
Vilina | 6 | Girl | dedicated |
Vilochana | 9 | Boy | the eye |
Vilok | 5 | Boy | to see |
Vilokan | 7 | Boy | gaze |
Vimal | 5 | Boy | pure |
Vimala | 6 | Boy | pure |
Vimala | 6 | Boy | pure |
Vimala,Vimla | 12 | Girl | pure |
Vimalaa | 7 | Girl | pure |
Vimalalakshmi | 13 | Girl | lakshmi, the pure |
Vimalodaya | 10 | Boy | one who does welfare or one who purifies |
Vimarsha | 8 | Boy | discussion, debate |
Vimochana | 9 | Boy | one who releases devotees from their sins |
Vimuktaatmaa | 12 | Boy | always free |
Vinamra | 7 | Boy | bowing down |
Vinantikaa | 10 | Girl | humility |
Vinati | 6 | Girl | bowing down |
Vinay | 5 | Boy | modesty |
Vinaya | 6 | Girl | modest |
Vinaya | 6 | Boy | good manners |
Vinaya | 6 | Boy | one who follows rules |
Vinayaa | 7 | Girl | humble |
Vinayak | 7 | Boy | lord ganesh |
Vinayitaasaakshee | 17 | Boy | witness to politeness |
Vindhya | 7 | Girl | knowledge |
Vineet | 6 | Boy | unassuming |
Vineeta | 7 | Girl | unassuming |
Vineetaatmaa | 12 | Boy | well educated soul |
Vinesh | 6 | Boy | godly |
Vinit | 5 | Boy | humble, meek |
Vinitaa | 7 | Girl | humble, meek |
Vinod | 5 | Boy | pleasing |
Vinoda | 6 | Boy | happy; full of joy |
Vinodaa | 7 | Girl | happy; full of joy |
Vinodini | 8 | Girl | one with a fun-loving character |
Vinodini | 8 | Girl | pleasing |
Vipalaanand | 11 | Boy | great joy |
Vipana | 6 | Boy | sail, petty trade |
Vipasa | 6 | Girl | a river |
Vipin | 5 | Boy | forest |
Vipina | 6 | Boy | jungla, wood |
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