Baby Names by Sign
NAME | Length | Gender | Meaning |
Viplab | 6 | Boy | floating revolution |
Viplava | 7 | Boy | drifting about |
Vipra | 5 | Boy | a priest |
Vipul | 5 | Boy | plenty |
Vipula | 6 | Girl | plenty |
Vipula | 6 | Boy | large, great |
Vipulaa | 7 | Girl | the earth |
Vir | 3 | Boy | brave |
Viraaja | 7 | Boy | resplendent |
Viraama | 7 | Boy | rest |
Viraama | 7 | Boy | rest |
Viraama | 7 | Boy | place for all to rest |
Viraata | 7 | Boy | having giant proportions |
Virachanaa | 10 | Girl | arrangement |
Viraj | 5 | Girl | splendour |
Viraja | 6 | Boy | splendour |
Virajaa | 7 | Girl | one free from lust or passion |
Virakta | 7 | Boy | free from worldly attachments |
Viral | 5 | Boy | priceless |
Virala | 6 | Boy | unobtainable, rare |
Viranchee | 9 | Boy | brahman or like brahmaa |
Virata | 6 | Boy | devoid of attachment |
Virata | 6 | Girl | bravery |
Virendra | 8 | Boy | brave lord |
Viresh | 6 | Boy | brave lord |
Virochana | 9 | Boy | one who creats special liking |
Virochana | 9 | Boy | the moon, fire |
Virochana | 9 | Boy | brilliant, lustrous |
Viroopa | 7 | Boy | one with special form |
Virropaaksha | 12 | Boy | with ill looking, ugly eyes |
Vishaakha | 9 | Boy | like kartikeya |
Vishaala | 8 | Boy | broad, great |
Vishaalaaksha | 13 | Boy | large-eyed |
Vishaalaaksha | 13 | Boy | with big eyes |
Vishaalaakshi | 13 | Girl | large-eyed |
Vishaarada | 10 | Boy | a scholar |
Vishakha | 8 | Girl | a star |
Vishakhaa | 9 | Girl | without a branch |
Vishal | 6 | Boy | immense |
Vishala | 7 | Girl | wide; spacious |
Vishalakshi | 11 | Girl | large-eyed |
Vishama | 7 | Boy | hard to understand / very strong |
Vishamaaksha | 12 | Boy | one with uneven eyes |
Vishanpati | 10 | Boy | lord of the universe |
Vishaya | 7 | Girl | subject |
Vishesh | 7 | Boy | special |
Vishikhaa | 9 | Girl | arrow; pin |
Vishishta | 9 | Boy | one who is special |
Vishishta | 9 | Boy | best |
Vishnu | 6 | Boy | all pervasive god |
Vishnu | 6 | Boy | root, to pervade |
Vishnu | 6 | Boy | lord vishnu |
Vishnu Prajaapaala | 18 | Boy | like vishnu who is a protector of people |
Vishnukandharapaatana | 21 | Boy | one could bend the neck of vishnu |
Vishnumaya | 10 | Girl | goddess paravati |
Vishnupriya | 11 | Girl | goddess lakshmi |
Vishodhana | 10 | Boy | one who finds the soul of the self |
Vishoka | 7 | Boy | without sorrow |
Vishoka | 7 | Boy | without sorrow, grief |
Vishraama | 9 | Boy | rest |
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