Baby Names by Sign
NAME | Length | Gender | Meaning |
Vibhuti | 7 | Girl | power; ashes |
Vibhuti | 7 | Girl | great personality |
Vibudhaagravarshrestha | 22 | Boy | better than the foremost gods |
Vichkshana | 10 | Boy | one who has special knowledge |
Vidaarana | 9 | Boy | destroyer |
Vidhaataa | 9 | Boy | possessing several forms |
Vidhatri | 8 | Girl | creator |
Vidhatru | 8 | Boy | creator |
Vidheyaatmaa | 12 | Boy | one who has control over soul, aatmaa |
Vidhu | 5 | Boy | the moon |
Vidhushi | 8 | Girl | scholar |
Vidhvattama | 11 | Boy | great scholar |
Vidhwaana | 9 | Boy | scholar |
Vidhwatthama | 12 | Boy | best among the learned |
Vidisha | 7 | Boy | regulates directions and corners |
Vidrunacchavi | 13 | Boy | shining like corel |
Vidula | 6 | Girl | the moon |
Vidur | 5 | Boy | a friend of lord krishna |
Vidura | 6 | Boy | wise |
Vidya | 5 | Girl | learning |
Vidyaacharana | 13 | Boy | learned |
Vidyaadhara | 11 | Boy | a class of demi-gods or semi-divine beings |
Vidyaagauree | 12 | Girl | goddess of knowledge |
Vidyaaraashi | 12 | Boy | accumulation of all 'vidyas', knowledge |
Vidyaaranya | 11 | Boy | forest of learning |
Vidyadhar | 9 | Boy | learned |
Vidyagauri | 10 | Girl | vidya knowledge |
Vidyasagar | 10 | Boy | ocean of learning |
Vidyosha | 8 | Boy | lord of knowledge |
Vidyul | 6 | Girl | lightning |
Vidyullataa | 11 | Girl | a streak of lightning |
Vidyut | 6 | Girl | lightning |
Vidyut | 6 | Girl | lightning |
Vigaalaa | 8 | Boy | one who would emancipate |
Vigatajwara | 11 | Boy | one who removes all fevers, pains, afflictions, grief |
Vighnesh | 8 | Boy | lord ganesh |
Vighneshwara | 12 | Boy | lord of obstacles |
Vigneya | 7 | Boy | one who has special knowledge |
Vignyaapana | 11 | Girl | a request |
Vihaayasagati | 13 | Boy | moving in the sky, bird |
Vihanga | 7 | Boy | bird |
Vihanginee | 10 | Girl | one who flies like a bird |
Vijay | 5 | Boy | victor |
Vijaya | 6 | Girl | victory of goddess durga |
Vijaya | 6 | Boy | victory |
Vijaya | 6 | Boy | victor |
Vijaya | 6 | Boy | victory |
Vijayaalakshmee | 15 | Girl | lakshmi's wealth |
Vijendra, Vijayendra | 21 | Boy | victorious |
Vijeta | 6 | Girl | victorious |
Vijitaatmaa | 11 | Boy | victorious soul |
Vijitaatmaa | 11 | Boy | one who has won the soul |
Vijul | 5 | Girl | a silk-cotton tree |
Vikaasa | 7 | Boy | expanding; to shine |
Vikaasinee | 10 | Girl | opening |
Vikartaa | 8 | Boy | one whose designs are wonderful, variegated, strange |
Vikartana | 9 | Boy | the sun |
Vikas | 5 | Boy | development |
Vikesh | 6 | Boy | the moon |
Vikraantaa | 10 | Girl | powerful |
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