Baby Names by Sign
NAME | Length | Gender | Meaning |
Aananda | 7 | Boy | joy |
Aanandabrahma | 13 | Boy | eternal joy |
Aanandagiri | 11 | Boy | mountain of joy |
Aanandamaya | 11 | Boy | steeped in happiness |
Aanandamurti | 12 | Boy | picture of happiness |
Aanandaparnaa | 13 | Girl | one who having wings of joy |
Aanandarupa | 11 | Boy | eternal joy |
Aanandarupa | 11 | Boy | eternal joy |
Aanandasaagara | 14 | Boy | sea of joy |
Aanandaswarupa | 14 | Boy | eternal joy |
Aanandavardhana | 15 | Boy | one who adds to joy |
Aanandee | 8 | Girl | joyful |
Aanandi | 7 | Girl | always happy |
Aanandini | 9 | Girl | giver of joy |
Aananditaa | 10 | Girl | one who spreads joy |
Aandaleeb | 9 | Boy | the beautiful bird |
Aandola | 7 | Boy | to swing, moving |
Aanetra | 7 | Boy | to see until one is satisfied |
Aapta | 5 | Boy | reliable, trustworthy |
Aapti | 5 | Girl | fitness,completion |
Aaraa | 5 | Girl | decorative |
Aaradhaka | 9 | Boy | one who worships |
Aarohee | 7 | Girl | a creeper |
Aarunaka | 8 | Boy | reddish |
Aarunamshu | 10 | Girl | reddish rays |
Aarunikaa | 9 | Girl | tawny red |
Aaryadeva | 9 | Boy | best among the aryans |
Aaryashura | 10 | Boy | courageoous |
Aasha | 5 | Girl | hope |
Aashaalataa | 11 | Girl | creeper of hope |
Aashaankita | 11 | Boy | full of hope |
Aashika | 7 | Boy | lover |
Aashikaa | 8 | Girl | beloved |
Aashisha | 8 | Girl | blessed woman |
Aashitendu | 10 | Girl | satisfied by eating |
Aashlesha | 9 | Boy | to embrace |
Aashrama | 8 | Boy | place of rest, abode |
Aashrama | 8 | Boy | one giving tranquility like aashrama |
Aashtika | 8 | Boy | son of the sage jaratharu and his wife manasa devi |
Aashutosha | 10 | Boy | one who is easily pleased |
Aasmitaa | 8 | Girl | egoism, egotism |
Aastika | 7 | Boy | one who has faith in the vedas |
Aatiteya | 8 | Boy | son of aatit |
Aatmabhoo | 9 | Boy | self generated |
Aatmadeva | 9 | Boy | soul |
Aatmaja | 7 | Boy | born to oneself |
Aatmajyoti | 10 | Boy | brilliant on his own or through his own soul |
Aatman | 6 | Boy | the self |
Aatmaram | 8 | Boy | one who strives to get spritual knowledge |
Aatmayoni | 9 | Boy | self created |
Aatmayu | 7 | Boy | one blessed with long life |
Aavartana | 9 | Boy | runs the wheel of the universe |
Aayati | 6 | Boy | majestic, dignified |
Aayu | 4 | Boy | span of life |
Aayushabdapati | 14 | Boy | lord of duration of life and words |
Aayushmaan | 10 | Boy | one blessed with long life |
Abaalendu | 9 | Boy | full moon |
Abaj | 4 | Boy | the moon, the physician of gods, the conch |
Abbas | 5 | Boy | a family name |
Abha | 4 | Girl | lustrous beauti |
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