Baby Names by Sign
NAME | Length | Gender | Meaning |
Sarvakarmaalaya | 15 | Boy | field of all actions |
Sarvalakshnaalakshanya | 22 | Boy | one who is understood / known by using all the characteristics / qualities |
Sarvalokadhruk | 14 | Boy | one who holds all the worlds |
Sarvalokaprajaapati | 19 | Boy | lord of all the people and 'lokaas' worlds |
Sarvamangala | 12 | Girl | one who brings good fortune to all |
Sarvananadin | 12 | Boy | one who pleases all |
Sarvapaapharohara | 17 | Boy | one who destroys everyone's sins |
Sarvapraharanaayudha | 20 | Boy | all the instruments that can attack are his weapons |
Sarvapramaana Samvaadee | 23 | Boy | in harmony with all kinds of measures |
Sarvaroopa | 10 | Boy | with all forms |
Sarvarturaparivartaka | 21 | Boy | one who changes all seasons |
Sarvasaadhana | 13 | Boy | one who achieves everything |
Sarvasaha | 9 | Boy | one who can tolerate everything |
Sarvasahaa | 10 | Girl | the earth, one who bears all |
Sarvashaasana | 13 | Boy | one who governs everybody |
Sarvashaastra Bhrutanvara | 25 | Boy | best among those who know all 'shastras' |
Sarvashaastraprabhanjana | 24 | Boy | destroyer of all shastras |
Sarvashastrabhurutaanvara | 25 | Boy | one who holds all weapons and knows the best use of it |
Sarvashuddhu | 12 | Boy | one who purifies all |
Sarvasttvaavalambana | 20 | Boy | support of all animate and inanimate objects |
Sarvataapanas | 13 | Boy | like the sun who gives heat to all |
Sarvatashchakshu | 16 | Boy | one who sees all |
Sarvatomukha | 12 | Boy | one who has face towards everybody |
Sarvavaageeshwareshwara | 23 | Boy | lord of all speech |
Sarvavageshwareshwara | 21 | Boy | lord of all the speeches |
Sarvavidbhaanu | 14 | Boy | one who knows everything and is lustorous |
Sarvavijjayee | 13 | Boy | one who has won all |
Sarvayasha | 10 | Boy | the whole fame |
Sarvayogavinissruta | 19 | Boy | one who has gone through all yogas in a special manner |
Sarvayoni | 9 | Boy | originator of all |
Sarvesh | 7 | Boy | lord of all |
Sarvesha | 8 | Boy | god of all |
Sarveshwara | 11 | Boy | god of every body |
Sarveshwara | 11 | Boy | lord of all |
Sarveshwara | 11 | Boy | lord of all |
Sarveshwaree | 12 | Girl | lord of all |
Sarvottama | 10 | Boy | best among all |
Sarwar | 6 | Boy | promotion |
Sashitala | 9 | Boy | very cool |
Sashreek | 8 | Boy | prosperous |
Sasmita | 7 | Girl | smiling |
Sat | 3 | Boy | truth |
Sataangati | 10 | Boy | movement of 'satpurusha' |
Satdhruti | 9 | Boy | a truely bold person |
Satee | 5 | Girl | chaste, austere |
Sati | 4 | Girl | chaste woman |
Satindra | 8 | Boy | lord vishnu |
Satkartaa | 9 | Boy | one who creats truth |
Satkeerit | 9 | Boy | famous |
Satkruta | 8 | Boy | one through whom a good deed is done |
Satkruti | 8 | Boy | beautiful creation |
Satkruti | 8 | Boy | hospitality |
Satkruti | 8 | Boy | one who performs good deed |
Satparaayanam | 13 | Boy | eternally truthful life |
Satpathaachaara | 15 | Boy | follower of right path |
Satpathaachara | 14 | Boy | having truthful conduct |
Satrajit | 8 | Boy | father of satyabhama, wife of lord krishna |
Satram | 6 | Boy | duration between beginning and end of 'yagna' |
Sattaa | 6 | Boy | power |
Sattvastha | 10 | Boy | residing in pure element |
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