Baby Names by Sign
NAME | Length | Gender | Meaning |
Sattvavaachana | 14 | Boy | carrier of 'sattva' |
Sattvavaan | 10 | Boy | virtuous |
Sattvavaana | 11 | Boy | storage of virtuous |
Satva | 5 | Boy | spirit; vitality |
Satvamatee | 10 | Girl | one endowed with riches |
Satya | 5 | Boy | true, genuine |
Satya | 5 | Boy | truth |
Satya | 5 | Boy | truth |
Satya | 5 | Girl | truth |
Satya Satyapara | 15 | Boy | in the nature of truth and always anxioous for truth |
Satyaa | 6 | Girl | truthfulness |
Satyaarka | 9 | Boy | truth as bright as the sun |
Satyaayu | 8 | Boy | truthful life |
Satyadaa | 8 | Girl | one who gives truth |
Satyadeepa | 10 | Boy | lamp of truth |
Satyadeva | 9 | Boy | god of truth |
Satyadharmaa | 12 | Boy | one whose dharma is truth |
Satyadharmaparaakrama | 21 | Boy | one whose valour has truth and 'dharma' |
Satyadharmaparaayana | 20 | Boy | one who is absorbed in truth and duty |
Satyadhriti | 11 | Boy | delight of truth |
Satyajit | 8 | Boy | wedded to truth |
Satyajuta | 9 | Boy | victory of truth |
Satyakaama | 10 | Boy | lover of truth |
Satyakam | 8 | Boy | son of jabala in the mahabharata |
Satyakeerti | 11 | Boy | with genuine fame |
Satyaki | 7 | Boy | charioteer of krishna |
Satyamedhaa | 11 | Boy | intellect involved in truth |
Satyamohan | 10 | Boy | truthful |
Satyamurti | 10 | Boy | statue of truth |
Satyananda | 10 | Boy | joy of truth |
Satyanarayan | 12 | Boy | lord krishna |
Satyankar | 9 | Boy | true; good |
Satyaparaakrama | 15 | Boy | one who performs truthful adventures |
Satyaparaakrama | 15 | Boy | with truthful action |
Satyaparaayanam | 15 | Boy | one who is solely devoted to truth |
Satyaprakash | 12 | Boy | ligght of truth |
Satyaprema | 10 | Boy | love of truth |
Satyapriya | 10 | Boy | one who loves truth |
Satyapriya | 10 | Boy | devoted to truth |
Satyapriyaa | 11 | Girl | one who loves truth |
Satyarupa | 9 | Boy | truth personified |
Satyarupaa | 10 | Girl | truth in the form of woman |
Satyasheel | 10 | Boy | truthful |
Satyashravaa | 12 | Boy | truthful |
Satyaswaroopa | 13 | Boy | form of truth |
Satyatapaa | 10 | Boy | one who does penance for truth |
Satyavan | 8 | Boy | husband of savitri; true |
Satyavati | 9 | Girl | truthful |
Satyavati | 9 | Girl | truthful |
Satyavijaya | 11 | Boy | one who has won the truth |
Satyavrata | 10 | Boy | one who has taken the vow of truth |
Satyavrata | 10 | Boy | dedicated to truth |
Satyavratsmahaatyaagee | 22 | Boy | one who observes vow of truth and is great sacrificer |
Satyendra | 9 | Boy | lord of truth |
Satyendra | 9 | Boy | lord of truth |
Saubhaagyasundari | 17 | Girl | beauty endowed with good fortune |
Saudamini | 9 | Girl | lighting |
Sauhaarda | 9 | Boy | hearty friendship |
Saumyaa | 7 | Girl | serene |
Saumyendra | 10 | Girl | most serene |
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