Baby Names by Sign
NAME | Length | Gender | Meaning |
Sujaata | 7 | Girl | one of high birth |
Sujala | 6 | Girl | affectionate |
Sujan | 5 | Boy | honest |
Sujanaa | 7 | Girl | good, virtuous |
Sujash | 6 | Boy | illustrious |
Sujata | 6 | Girl | well-bred |
Sujay | 5 | Boy | victory |
Sujeeta | 7 | Boy | victory |
Sujit | 5 | Boy | winter |
Sukanta | 7 | Boy | handsome |
Sukanya | 7 | Girl | comely woman |
Sukanyaa | 8 | Girl | beautiful maiden |
Sukara | 6 | Boy | with beautiful hands |
Sukeerti | 8 | Boy | good fame |
Sukeerti | 8 | Girl | famous |
Sukesh | 6 | Boy | with beautiful hair |
Sukesha | 7 | Boy | having beautiful hair |
Sukeshaa | 8 | Girl | having beautiful hair |
Sukeshi | 7 | Girl | with beautiful hair |
Sukeshinee | 10 | Girl | one with lovely hair |
Suketu | 6 | Boy | one having a beautiful flag or banner |
Suketu | 6 | Boy | a yaksha king |
Sukhaanila | 10 | Boy | like comforting breeze |
Sukhada | 7 | Boy | one who gives happiness |
Sukhadaa | 8 | Girl | one who brings pleasure |
Sukhadeva | 9 | Boy | god of happiness |
Sukhadevaprasaada | 17 | Boy | gift of the god of happiness |
Sukhamay | 8 | Boy | pleasurable |
Sukhdev | 7 | Boy | giver of bliss |
Sukhi | 5 | Boy | giver of happiness |
Sukrit | 6 | Boy | pious |
Sukriti | 7 | Girl | good deed |
Sukriti | 7 | Boy | holy and pure |
Sukshamaa | 9 | Girl | minute, subtle |
Sukumaara | 9 | Boy | handsome |
Sukumaara | 9 | Boy | very tender |
Sukumar | 7 | Boy | soft; meritorious |
Sukumari | 8 | Girl | ssoft; meritorious |
Sulabha | 7 | Girl | easy; natural |
Sulabha | 7 | Boy | easily available |
Sulabha | 7 | Boy | easily obtainable |
Sulabha | 7 | Girl | easily available |
Sulabhaa | 8 | Girl | easily obtainable |
Sulakshana | 10 | Girl | well-brought up |
Sulakshanaa | 11 | Girl | having an auspicious mark |
Sulalita | 8 | Boy | sporting, gracefully |
Sulalita | 8 | Girl | very pleasing |
Sulalitaa | 9 | Girl | dainty |
Sulataa | 7 | Girl | beautiful creeper |
Sulekh | 6 | Boy | beautifully written |
Sulekha | 7 | Girl | beautiful writing |
Sulekhaa | 8 | Girl | beautiful line |
Suloch | 6 | Girl | one with beautiful eyes |
Sulochan | 8 | Boy | one with beautiful eyes |
Sulochana | 9 | Girl | one with beautiful eyes |
Sulochana | 9 | Boy | having beautiful eyes |
Sulochana | 9 | Girl | beautiful eyes |
Sulochana | 9 | Boy | with beautiful eyes |
Sulochanaa | 10 | Girl | having beautiful eyes |
Sultan | 6 | Boy | king |
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