Baby Names by Sign
NAME | Length | Gender | Meaning |
Sooryataapana | 13 | Boy | who makes sun shine |
Sootrakaara | 11 | Boy | author of aphorisms |
Sopan | 5 | Boy | steps |
Soumil | 6 | Boy | a friend |
Soumitra | 8 | Boy | lakshman, brother of lord rama |
Soumya | 6 | Girl | handsome |
Soumya | 6 | Boy | gentle, mild |
Soumyakanti | 11 | Boy | handsome |
Sourabh | 7 | Boy | fragrance |
Sourabhi | 8 | Girl | fragrance; the celestial cow |
Souren(Dra) | 11 | Boy | of the sun |
Sourish | 7 | Boy | lord visshnu |
Sual | 4 | Boy | asked for |
Subaahu | 7 | Boy | strong-armed |
Subaalaa | 8 | Girl | beautiful maiden |
Subal | 5 | Boy | a friend of lord krishna |
Subala | 6 | Boy | very powerful |
Subandhu | 8 | Boy | having a good connection of friends |
Subarna | 7 | Girl | of the colour of gold |
Subash | 6 | Boy | fragrance |
Subbarao | 8 | Boy | auspicious |
Subhaagee | 9 | Girl | born to good fortune |
Subhaagee | 9 | Girl | fortunate |
Subhaasha | 9 | Boy | soft-spoken |
Subhadra | 8 | Boy | source of great welfare |
Subhadra | 8 | Girl | sister of lord krishna, wife of arjuna |
Subhadraa | 9 | Girl | very prosperous |
Subhaga | 7 | Boy | blessed |
Subhaga | 7 | Boy | wealthy, prosperous |
Subhagaa | 8 | Girl | one well-loved by her husband; blessed |
Subhagya | 8 | Girl | lucky |
Subhan | 6 | Boy | aware |
Subhash | 7 | Boy | well spoken |
Subhashini | 10 | Girl | well spoken |
Subhasini | 9 | Girl | one who speaks sweetly |
Subhira | 7 | Boy | good and courageous |
Subhru | 6 | Girl | one with fine eyebrows |
Subhuja | 7 | Girl | with beautiful arms |
Subhuti | 7 | Girl | one enjoying prosperity |
Subinay | 7 | Boy | humble |
Subir | 5 | Boy | having brave offspring |
Subira | 6 | Boy | good and courageous |
Subodha | 7 | Boy | easily understood; sound advice |
Subodhinee | 10 | Girl | clever; shrewd |
Subrahmanya | 11 | Boy | well versed in sacred knowledge |
Subrata | 7 | Boy | devoted to what is right |
Subrata | 7 | Girl | devoted to husband |
Suchandra | 9 | Girl | beautiful |
Sucharita | 9 | Girl | of good character |
Sucharitaa | 10 | Girl | well-behaved |
Sucheta | 7 | Girl | with a beautiful mind |
Suchetaa | 8 | Girl | one with a very fine mind |
Suchi | 5 | Girl | radiant |
Suchira | 7 | Girl | tasteful |
Suchira | 7 | Boy | eternity |
Suchiraa | 8 | Girl | eternity |
Suchita | 7 | Boy | one who has a noble mind |
Suchita | 7 | Girl | beautiful |
Suchitaa | 8 | Girl | one who has a noble mind |
Suchitra | 8 | Girl | beautiful picture |
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