Name for Nakshatra Magha - Nakshatra Birth Star Magha
NAME | Length | Gender | Meaning |
Manjikaa | 8 | Girl | a courtesan |
Manjira | 7 | Girl | ankle-bells |
Manjistha | 9 | Girl | extremely beautiful |
Manju | 5 | Girl | sweet |
Manjubala | 9 | Girl | a sweet girl |
Manjubhasa | 10 | Girl | goddess saraswati |
Manjubhash | 10 | Boy | one whose speech is pleasing |
Manjughoshaa | 12 | Girl | one who recieves a guest with sweet acclamation |
Manjukeshee | 11 | Girl | one with beautiful hair |
Manjula | 7 | Boy | handsome |
Manjula | 7 | Girl | sweet |
Manjulaa | 8 | Girl | lovely, beautiful |
Manjulakshmee | 13 | Girl | queen of beauty |
Manjulika | 9 | Girl | a sweet girl |
Manjusha | 8 | Girl | treasure chest |
Manjushaa | 9 | Girl | a trunk or box |
Manjushri | 9 | Girl | sweet lustre |
Manjyot | 7 | Girl | light of the mind |
Manmatha | 8 | Boy | cupid |
Manmatha | 8 | Boy | god of love |
Manmayi | 7 | Girl | jealous; sri radha |
Manmohan | 8 | Boy | pleasing |
Manobhaava | 10 | Boy | one who exists in the mind |
Manobhirama | 11 | Boy | one with a pleasing mind |
Manobuddhi | 10 | Boy | like mind and intelligence |
Manohar | 7 | Boy | beautiful; captivating |
Manohara | 8 | Boy | one who wins over the mind |
Manohara | 8 | Boy | one who wins the heart |
Manoj | 5 | Boy | born of the mind |
Manojava | 8 | Boy | as speedy as mind |
Manojova | 8 | Boy | as speedy as the wind |
Manorama | 8 | Girl | beautiful |
Manoramaa | 9 | Girl | beautiful |
Manoranjan | 10 | Boy | pleasing |
Manoranjana | 11 | Boy | one who pleases the mind |
Manoratha | 9 | Boy | desire, wish |
Manorathaa | 10 | Girl | desire, wish |
Manoritaa | 9 | Girl | beauty |
Manotosh | 8 | Boy | satisfaction of the king |
Mansukh | 7 | Boy | pleasing |
Mantra | 6 | Boy | spell; charm |
Mantranaa | 9 | Girl | consultation |
Manu | 4 | Boy | to think |
Manu | 4 | Boy | original man |
Manu | 4 | Boy | founder father of human beings |
Maraala | 7 | Girl | swan |
Maraali | 7 | Girl | swan |
Maraalikaa | 10 | Girl | small swan |
Mardav | 6 | Boy | softness |
Mareecchi | 9 | Boy | one who is brilliant |
Mareechi | 8 | Boy | ray of light |
Marichi | 7 | Girl | name of a star |
Markandeya | 10 | Boy | a devotee of lord shiva |
Martanda | 8 | Boy | the sun |
Marut | 5 | Boy | the wind |
Marut | 5 | Boy | wind |
Marutapati | 10 | Boy | king of the winds |
Maruti | 6 | Boy | lord hanuman |
Matsyagandhaa | 13 | Girl | one who smells like fish |
Matsyendra | 10 | Boy | king of fishes |
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