Name for Nakshatra Krittika - Nakshatra Birth Star Krittika
NAME | Length | Gender | Meaning |
Atulya | 6 | Boy | unequalled |
Atyaananda | 10 | Boy | on who brings great pleasure |
Atylya | 6 | Boy | incomparable |
Avaangamanasagochara | 20 | Boy | one who cannot be understood or comprehended by speech or mind |
Avadhesh | 8 | Boy | king dasaratha |
Avaloka | 7 | Boy | one who beholds |
Avalokiteshwara | 15 | Boy | bodhisatvaranked almost as high as a good |
Avaneesha, Avaneeshwara | 24 | Boy | master of the world |
Avani | 5 | Boy | the earth |
Avani, Abani | 13 | Girl | earth |
Avanimohana | 11 | Boy | one who attracts the whole world |
Avanindra | 9 | Boy | king of earth |
Avanindra | 9 | Boy | lord of the earth |
Avanindranatha | 14 | Boy | king of the earth |
Avanish | 7 | Boy | lord of earth |
Avanisha | 8 | Boy | lord of the earth |
Avanti | 6 | Girl | name of a city |
Avanti | 6 | Girl | ancient malwa; ujjain |
Avantika | 8 | Girl | city of ujjain |
Avarodhan | 9 | Boy | one who observes restraint |
Avatar | 6 | Boy | incarnation |
Avidheyaatmaa | 13 | Boy | liberated from obstructions |
Avignaataa | 10 | Boy | devoid of special knowledge |
Avinaasha | 9 | Boy | one who cannot be destroyed |
Avinaashinee | 12 | Girl | one who cannot be destroyed |
Avinash | 7 | Boy | indestructible |
Avishishta | 10 | Boy | without anything special |
Avkash | 6 | Boy | limitless space |
Avyakta | 7 | Boy | invisible |
Avyakta Lakshano Deva | 21 | Boy | god who is not visible but can be perceived |
Avyanga | 7 | Boy | no physical deformation |
Avyaya | 6 | Boy | no physical destruction |
Avyaya | 6 | Boy | imperishable or immutable |
Ayama | 5 | Boy | does not die, cannot be controlled |
Ayesha | 6 | Girl | Wife of the prophet |
Ayog | 4 | Boy | institution |
Ayushmati | 9 | Girl | one who has a long life |
Azeez | 5 | Boy | friend |
Azhar | 5 | Boy | famous |
Aziza | 5 | Girl | a friend |
Azzam | 5 | Boy | the lord; almighty |
Edha | 4 | Girl | prosperity |
Eil/Aila | 9 | Boy | son of earth |
Eka | 3 | Boy | one and only |
Ekaa | 4 | Girl | alone |
Ekaagra | 7 | Boy | one concentrating his attention on a fixed point |
Ekaakinee | 9 | Girl | loneliness |
Ekaakitaa | 9 | Girl | loneliness |
Ekaaksha | 8 | Boy | one-eyed |
Ekaanta | 7 | Boy | solitary |
Ekaatma | 7 | Boy | alone |
Ekaatmaa | 8 | Boy | one (real) ssoul |
Ekaatmaa | 8 | Boy | one soul |
Ekaavalee | 9 | Girl | string of pearls |
Ekachaarinee | 12 | Girl | loyal |
Ekadanta | 8 | Boy | the god with one tooth or tusk |
Ekakundala | 10 | Boy | lord of the sea |
Ekalavya | 8 | Boy | renowned for his devotion to his guru |
Ekalinga | 8 | Boy | shiva |
Ekama | 5 | Boy | unit, the figure one |
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